The splendor of the glaciers. The melting of the glaciers. Breathtaking views of wildlife. Diminishing numbers of wildlife. This is the back-and-forth journey readers take through Michael Lanza’s 2012 book, Before They’re Gone: A Family’s Year-Long Quest to Explore America’s Most Endangered National Parks.
Continue reading “Book Review: Before They’re Gone”Author: Elizabeth
Start the Day with a Little Flower

I’ve always been a fan of the Hans Christian Anderson quote from The Butterfly that reads, “Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” It comes to mind these days when our three-year-old wants to begin each morning “looking at plants” with Daddy. It has become something of a ritual for her, and goodness forbid he leave for work before she wakes up.
Trying to convince her that we could still have a nice morning earlier this week, even though Daddy was already at work, I asked whether she might like to go look at plants. “With you?” she replied, clearly not interested in pursuing this activity with anyone else but her father.
Continue reading “Start the Day with a Little Flower”